Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting more out of your $$$ in the world of manicures

I like every other person in these times (a recession) is thinking of ways to start saving.....Let me refrain this (last night I made an excuse to stay at the trendy Thompson Hotel because I "deserved" to be pampered).... I like every other American have a personal responsibility to start spending smarter... (starting tomorrow)......This spending smarter trend will take place in every aspect of my life..Yes even in my NYC mani pedi world. Just because I am going to start spending smarter doesn't mean any part of my fabulous life will have to suffer....I promise no one will ever know..  Sure a new york city manicure may be cheap but it also does not last very long & I personally believe there is nothing more unattractive then chipped nails. I am surprised when I can go two whole days with out my first chip, and that's if I even make it out of the salon without a smudge or nick (major a.d.d). Sitting at the dryers and being disconnected from society a.k.a my iphone or blackberry drives me close to crazy…. Since becoming a New Yorker I have realized a few things...

1. Time is valuable
2. There will never be enough of it
3. New Yorkers always move fast....even if they don't agree with 1 or 2 ....

So if you are a true New Yorker you like me will have not only a hard time sitting and waiting for my manicure to be complete, but again back to the drying of the nails..times this by 3 times a week and you have done close to $40 in cost...but more importantly close to two and a half hours in waiting, drying and getting to the salon. But OPI has done it again...I don't know how but they are just so damn cool.  I swear I thought of this idea ages ago, but OPI beat me to the now they are much sweeter then me. OPI just came out with an innovative new line called Axxium, which is a soak off gel lacquer. This new line is absolutely amazing...They have a good amount of shades available but are still adding more each month. Before you run to the closest salon to get your OPI Axxium manicure I need you to do one thing- take a few shots of tequila, chase yourself around the block a few times, and then forget everything you know about a manicure. They put the polish on first, dry your nails in between cleaning them up, and then rub them with nail polish remover....but hey I didn't ask any questions. This new manicure did not take much longer then a classic manicure, though my nails were dry by the time I would have had to wait the extra 20 minutes to fully dry them, the manicure lasted 2 full weeks and only cost $10 more then the average cheap new york city manicure. Yes you heard me correctly.... not 3 days but 2 weeks! It was absolutely amazing! What is so great about this is your nails not only do not chip but the color grows out with your nails. So if you are like 90% of girls in America and have trouble growing out your nails; this gel lacquer will help you! I fit into the other 10% but hey OPI is giving you a chance to join us 10% so now it’s just up to you.